Opening Friday, November 29, 2013
On view through January 12, 2014

The Unicorn Stampede installation by renowned glitter artist Camomile Hixon in Lyman Allyn’s Glassenberg Gallery will involve 24 life-sized, two-dimensional glitter unicorns. This room of glittered unicorns will lend an unforgettable air of celebratory magic this Holiday season to New London and beyond.
Unicorns have enchanted people across vastly different cultures throughout history and have come to symbolize positivity in the world. Unicorns have a universal appeal that cuts through peoples’ social armor and unlocks their feelings. This family friendly installation and accompanying programming is designed to attract a wide audience and communicate messages of hope, freedom, peace, purity, and magic.
Each Sunday in December, beginning December 1st, join us for Tea with the Unicorns. Click here for more information and to RSVP.
Watch artist Camomile Hixon tell Ann Nyberg of WTNH about her inspiration for The Unicorn Stampede