June 18 – August 12, 2022
The sixth annual exhibition of Nasty Women Connecticut, The Will to Change, Gathering as Praxis, hosted at the Lyman Allyn Art Museum’s Near::New series, is dedicated to the life and work of writer and social activist bell hooks (1952–2021). Nasty Women Connecticut looks to hooks’ writing to make sense of feminisms’ shortcomings and to further the project of community gathering as an essential activity of the feminist movement. The group invited submissions of art, writing, and other formats that celebrate openness and inclusivity and make space for our contemporary ambiguity, looking globally to understand community’s role in feminist movements. hooks teaches us (in plain words) that no one is liberated under sexist, exploitative, oppressive systems. That, in these present-day scenarios we’re all held captive, and that “healing does not take place in isolation.”
This exhibition features over 60 works of art in an array of 2D, 3D, digital media, performance, and other styles. The event aims to address, build, and repair relation and community and encourages us to honestly love the self and others. As patriarchies continue to stroke fear and fan the flames of war, we feel the ripple effects through our enmeshment in globalized capitalism. We take special care this year to explore new relationships, specifically the roles men and boys play in dismantling patriarchy within our communities.
For more information, click here.
Exhibition Opening
Friday, June 24 • 5 – 8 PM
Suggested Donation $10.
Please call 860.443.2545 ext. 2129 or email us to RSVP.