The playful, inventive and interactive world of Walter Wick will be the subject of Games, Gizmos and Toys in the Attic on view from Sept. 7, 2008 – Jan. 26, 2009, including photographs and 3-D displays highlighting his children’s books. A stimulating experience for the eye and mind!
Walter Wick is a Hartford-based photographer whose I Spy and Can You See What I See books for children are long-time best-sellers on the New York Times’ and other literary lists. His large-scale photographs, as well as examples of his sets, set-ups and props will bed on view in the second floor galleries of the museum.
“The works will be enlarged to five or six feet wide with details, colors and tones not possible in book reproductions,” says Wick, noting that the exhibition will present a “playful sense of scale, space and the unexpected.”
Walter Wick: Games, Gizmos and Toys in the Attic has been organized by the New Britain Museum of American Art.
Sponsored by the Mohegan Tribe and Mohegan Sun.
Also supported by Essex Savings Bank and Vanderbrooke Caterers.

City Blocks from I SPY Fantasy
60 x 36”
Pigmented Inkjet Photograph

Floating Marbles
28 x 35”
Pigmented Inkjet Photograph